Thursday, September 15, 2011

Here's mud in your eye!

The universe gives us all that we need.  Today, while driving home from post-natal bootcamp (brutal, yet weirdly addictive!), I decided to call my next blog 'Here's mud in your eye.'  I don't know why, but it's what popped into my head.  So I thought I'd write about being 'here'... being 'home'.... being.  But that's the whole blog, isn't it?

So I googled this saying and whaddyaknow... a priest also googled it and titled his sermon the same and had the same question as me.  It turns out, the saying sometimes means 'haha, my horse beat yours'... or for farmers it means 'here's to a good season.'  However, according to the bible, 'mud in the eye' is a medium for healing and well-being.

And that's why the universe popped this saying into my head.

We are happy to be home for all the reasons anyone would be.  But timing could not have been better.  A few weeks ago, Terry's mom (Terry is my partner for those that don't know - this was disclosed in my first blog - Snippets From Singapore) was diagnosed with cancer.  We are positive that she will beat it.  And we are eternally grateful that we can be here to support her throughout her journey.  We love our families yet we move away from them.  It's human nature to want to experience, and that often leads us away from those we love.  And maybe that makes us love and appreciate them more.  It's the duality effect I guess.

Everyone needs healing at one time or another.  At times it's tough to deal with.  We fear we won't heal.  We fear we'll be 'sick' in whatever capacity forever... or worse.  When Terry first told me of his mom's disease, I shed tears (not surprising if you know me!).  Many people in my family have been sick.  Natural death and tragic death have impacted my family and friends.  People deal with it differently.  For me, I have to remain positive yet realistic.  I need to search inward for strength.  I have to remind myself that life is short and we must take small steps everyday to make it large.  It's not always natural, and I work at it, but it helps make the road smoother.

Last night when Terry and I debated paint colors for our new house, I started to feel low that maybe we won't agree and I'll live in colors I've compromised on.  What if I have to give in on something I love - a color, a piece of furniture, art, or the way we layout our kitchen.  So what?  Does that really matter?  Indeed, I want to be surrounded by 'things' I love, but more than anything I want to be surrounded by love itself.  And the people in my life represent love.  (By the way, I'm confident my colors are going to be just fine and I'll love them:)

So here's mud in your eye.  Here's to healing.  Here's to well-being.  Here's to being surrounded by love.  Right here.

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